Hand sanitizer gel is a hand cleaning product for use when it is inconvenient to wash hands with soap and water. It is an effective cleaning method to help reduce the risk of unknowingly getting germs from your hands. Which may cause germs to enter your body and lead to disease later. Currently, hand sanitizer gel is often found in hospitals, medical centers, and crowded places. Some people may carry it in their bags. However, if your hands are clearly dirty, contaminated with blood or other body fluids from others. You should avoid using hand sanitizer gel. Instead, you should wash your hands with soap and water.UFABET
Several studies have shown that hand sanitizers with an alcohol concentration of 60-95% are somewhat more effective at killing germs than formulas. With lower alcohol or no alcohol at all. While non-alcoholic hand sanitizers do not protect against or inhibit certain germs. They may become more resistant to the cleaning agents in the hand sanitizer. And may also be more irritating to the skin than alcohol-based formulas. That’s why most hand sanitizers use alcohol as the main ingredient.
Is hand sanitizer really necessary?
The convenience of use and germ-preventing properties of hand sanitizers, often seen in advertisements, have made them widely popular. Some people use them so much that they become a habit in their daily lives. In fact, to what extent are the hand sanitizers that we use regularly necessary or can they replace hand washing?
Both hand washing and using hand sanitizers are important. Hand washing should be the primary method of cleaning, and hand sanitizers should be used as an additional method in situations where soap and water are not convenient. However, the effectiveness of killing germs and the safety of the ingredients in hand sanitizers still need to be studied in many areas. In medicine, hand sanitizers may be a relatively effective cleaning product to reduce the risk of infection in cases where washing hands with water is not convenient, but they cannot replace hand washing.